The EPP/MSI is a Federal STEM education and NOAA mission future workforce program with focus on:
Supporting the training and graduation of students and increasing participation of students from traditionally underrepresented minority communities;
Developing eligible candidates in support of a diverse future workforce for NOAA and NOAA mission-related enterprises; and,
Post-secondary education and research capacity development in atmospheric, fisheries, and environmental sciences and remote sensing technology at MSIs supported through competitive awards.
NCAS-M II, is the CSC aligned primarily with the NWS.
Core Competencies
NCAS-M II has six core competencies. Each competency has associated metrics, activities, and assessments.
Center-Wide Training
NCAS-M II will conduct center-wide professional skills development workshops (virtual and face-to-face) during the academic year and summer that will focus on career/professional skill development.
Postdoctoral Development Program
The goal of the NCAS-M II Postdoctoral Program (PDP) is to support advanced training of postdoctoral fellows in NOAA-related sciences with the goal to conduct research that directly supports NOAA’s mission, strategic plan, objectives, and outcomes.
NOAA Experiential Research and Training Opportunity (NERTO)
The NOAA Experiential Research and Training Opportunity (NERTO) is a NCAS-M II graduate student requirement. This unique NOAA mission experience integrates academics with practical NOAA mission-relevant experiential training.

Individual Student Development Plan (SDP)
All NCAS-M II fellows are required to complete an Individualized Student Development Plan (SDP).
Student Preparation for Success in Career Paths
NOAA Experiential Research and Training Opportunity (NERTO) »